Fixed Deposit vs Debt Funds

Fixed Deposit
Pre-Tax Return Investment Amount Redeemed / Maturity Amount Total Interest / Profit Amount Annual Interest / Return (%)
Fixed Deposit 100,000 106,995 6,995 6.98
HDFC Dynamic Debt Fund - Growth Option 100,000 108,395 8,395 8.37
Post Tax Return Pre-tax Interest / Profit Amount Capital Gains Tax Indexed Amount Income / Capital Gains Tax Post Tax Interest / Profit Amount
Fixed Deposit 6,995 Not Applicable Not Applicable 2,099 4,897
HDFC Dynamic Debt Fund - Growth Option 8,395 Short Term Not Applicable 2,518 5,876

Note: The Fixed deposit interest rate is based on historical State Bank of India Fixed deposit rates for different deposit terms. Short Term if term is less than 3 years. Long Term if term is more than three Years.